Emissions impact climate and air quality

We help find and quantify them

Flare Efficiency Measurement

A new highly accurate dronebased method of measuring the destruction removal efficiency (DRE) of flares. Developed by Explicit, the method uses a sniffer drone integrated with high performance gas and wind sensors.
Flare destruction removal efficiency plays a crucial role in reducing environmental impact. By implementing precise monitoring practices, efficiency can be enhanced to meet regulatory requirements, and take proactive steps towards sustainable environmental management.

Key benefits

Easy deployment over land and sea
Independendency from mean wind
Single-person set up
No interference with site operations
High accurancy and low detection limit
Validated technology, patented method

From climate gas to emissions result

  • 1
    Site survey & sampling plan

    Preliminary analysis of the site: identification of possible sources, risk zones, feasible flight paths etc.

  • 2
    Drone set-up and data collection

    Gas and wind sensors are integrated to the drone. Through an adaptive flight pattern, the drone flies a vertical wall downwind from the site of interest, collecting thousands of data points.

  • 3
    Preliminary and final analysis

    An automatized analysis provides the pilot real-time feedbacks on the flight.
    Once the data collection is concluded, our analysts processes the data.

  • 4
    Emission report

    A detailed emission report containing the average emission rates and flare destruction efficiency is presented to the client.

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Biogas plant report_example_Side_01ll


Data are collected downwind from the site of interest, so that the emission plume is entirely intercepted by the drone. Because both gas and wind data are closely correlated in time and space, Explicit is able to accurately calculate the net emission rate (kg/h) across the inspected area for both CO2 and methane and thereby calculate the DRE.

Where Flare DRE measurements can be used

Biogas plants
Oil/gas offshore platforms
Waste water treatment plants

Visualisation of data

The flight flux density visualization is plotted on the site map, together with the average wind direction estimated during the flight (orange lines). These visualizations are presented in the emission report.

Our services

Our emissions monitoring technologies and expertise are provided as adaptable service solutions, fitted to the task and the needs of the client. In some cases Explicit will provide full monitoring solutions including operations, data processing and reporting. In others, we work closely with operating partners and clients to execute inspections in the field while we focus on providing instrument payloads, data analysis support, training, and quality control.